Paidha Black Angels Sign Raymond Yoacel

West Nile Regional League side Paidha Black Angels have completed the signing of Right Black Yoacel Raymond.

Yoacel joins from rivals Nebbi Central that also plies it’s trade in the third division league.

The West Nile Province Right Back will however face stiff competition from Odongo Johnson who just like him is impactful on both the defensive and offensive part of the right flank.

Gifted with pace and agility, Yoacel is also a hard-working player as well as a leader having held the arm band for Nebbi Central in the West Nile Regional League.

He guided Nebbi Central to two consecutive West Nile Regional League playoffs final losing both of them to Adjumani Town Council and Kochi Urban last season.

He was also part of the West Nile Province squad that won the FUFA Drum third edition earlier this year.

Heading the opposite direction is former BUL and Paidha Black Angels captain Pimundu Vincent who was unveiled by Nebbi Central.

Yoacel joins Gadafi Gadinho who was unveiled by Paidha Black Angels last month as they seek to get promotion to the FUFA Big League.



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